Connecting With Your Inner Self Through Meditation

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Written By All Divinity

I’m Suzanne, the spirituality guru. With over a decade of experience studying and practicing all things spiritual, I am here to guide you on your spiritual journey.

Are you already exhausted from the repetition of the same mundane routine day in, and day out? Do you feel like you’ve lost your sense of self in the hustle and bustle of everyday life? Fear not! The answer to all your troubles is to connect with your inner self through.. meditation!

Yes, you read that correctly – meditation. But fear not; it’s not as intimidating as it may sound! Sure, it may require some effort and dedication but trust me, the effort is worth it! Through meditation, you will be able to clear away all of your existential conundrums and worries, allowing you to reconnect with your inner self.

Let me take you on a journey of how meditation can become a vital part of your day. Before we start, take a deep breath and relax. Now we’re ready. From honing your focus to increasing mindfulness, meditation will soon become a regular part of your life!

So stick with me, and I promise you won’t look back!

Learning to Meditate

Blue Buddha Ceramic Head Figurine 1

You’ve heard about it on the news, in yoga classes, and through social media – meditation is the way to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. But if you’re new to meditating, you may be wondering just where to start. Don’t worry – learning to meditate is easier and more rewarding than you might think.

First and foremost, you’ll need to find yourself a quiet, comfortable spot to get started. Whether that be your bedroom, a sunroom, or even your lunch break at work – it’s up to you! Once you’ve found the perfect spot, take a few deep breaths and clear your mind of any unwanted distractions. Now you can begin your actual meditation.

The most important part? Relaxation. Take a few moments to sit or stand up straight. Gently close your eyes, and focus on your breath. You may find that it’s helpful to count your inhales and exhales, letting your focus hone in on each individual breath. This can help you to fully relax and clear your mind.

As your breathing deepens, you may feel more and more relaxed. Allow your muscles to let go, and allow your body to become heavy and more grounded. You should begin to feel a calming sensation engulfing your entire being, ultimately connecting you to your inner self.

It’s important to note that it may take a few attempts to reach this sense of relaxation. But don’t sweat it. The more you practice, the easier it’ll become. You may find yourself looking forward to your personal meditation time; as a moment of relaxation and connection within your day.

So there you have it – that’s all you need to get started with meditating! Before you know it, you’ll be connecting with your inner self and feeling more balanced and at peace with your life.

Dealing with Stress

Woman Spreading Both Her Arms

As one of life’s constants, it can be easy to feel like stress will never leave you alone. It’s normal to feel that way; however, there are many strategies that you can use to cope with it. One of the most effective tools for reducing stress is meditation.

This form of inner connection can be incredibly powerful; it helps to clear our minds and provides us with useful insights. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, give yourself a moment to pause, breathe deeply, and pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Taking a few minutes out of your day to do this simple practice can help to better equip you to deal with stress-inducing situations.

When it comes to stress management through meditation, it’s important to remain focused and mindful. It can be tempting to take your thoughts to a different place, but it is important to stay present and take mindful breaks in order to give yourself the chance to process and make sense of what’s happening. This helps to prevent you from going into ‘stress mode’ or getting overwhelmed.

Throughout your practice, always remember to be gentle and kind to yourself; it is a journey, and there will be times of uncertainty and frustration, but with practice and resilience, you can make great strides in managing your stress effectively.

Humor is another great tool to make your meditation practice more enjoyable. When you’re feeling under pressure, try to remember something funny or make a joke to yourself – there’s no need to take it all too seriously! If you can, try to bring a sense of lightheartedness into your meditation routine, it can make it easier to stay focused and make the process more enjoyable.

So, if you’re looking for a way to better manage stress, try finding your inner self through meditation. It may take time, but with practice, you will find yourself better equipped to evaluate your stress and make the positive changes needed in your life to better manage it.

Connecting with Intuition

Man in Black Shorts Sitting on Floor

Have you ever felt like you are listening to a still, small voice inside your head and wondered what it is? Maybe it was a subtle suggestion that wasn’t quite a conscious thought. Or, it could have been a feeling of knowing that triggered a certain decision. If so, that’s your intuition, an inner voice that guides you in the right direction.

Through meditation, it is possible to reconnect with your intuition and learn how to interpret the messages it’s sending. Try this exercise to get started. Find a quiet space and sit in a comfortable position. Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Continue this for a few minutes, and when you are ready, think of a question you’d like an answer to. When ready, clear your mind and let your intuition take over.

You may find a plethora of images, sounds, and sensations coming to you as you let yourself off the hook of control and let the answers just flow. You might find a still voice from within, a vivid image that comes to your consciousness, or even a gut feeling that may drive your thoughts. To ensure you are understanding the message correctly, take a deep breath and ask the question again, making sure that the answer you get is consistent. Once you feel secure with the answer, you can move on.

It takes practice to truly strengthen the connection and fluency with your intuition, but as you continue to practice and trust yourself, the messages will be clearer. Always stay mindful that intuition is wiser and smarter than you could anticipate, so don’t be afraid to let go and go with the flow!

The Benefits of Meditation

Lamp With Smoke

Meditating can be a daunting task … the idea itself can sound more like a chore than a relaxing escape. But even just giving it a chance can provide so many benefits that you won’t believe you waited this long to start.

Let’s look at some of the benefits you can expect from starting a meditation practice!

Firstly, that sense of relaxation. After a long day of work, nothing sounds better than a few minutes of light meditation to help you break away from reality and just breathe. Taking the time to just rest and relax the stress away can do wonders for the mind.

Then, there is a sense of clarity and focus. A shorter meditation session can make sure that your head is clear and focused, allowing you to make better decisions with greater purpose. Plus, a good extended session can mean that you are never without clarity.

In addition, you can also expect to see some physical health benefits. It is a known fact that meditation assists in reducing stress levels and lowering blood pressure. So, if you’re looking to make a few changes in your physical health, including some meditation can be a great first step to success.

Finally, the greatest benefit of meditation is the emotional well-being it fosters. A good meditation practice can open the gate to a deep emotional connection with yourself and with the world around you. This can help you realize that your emotional state can be controlled and can make it easier to stay positive in the face of difficult moments.

So, next time that you think about taking a break for a few minutes, why not give meditating a try? Who knows, you might get more than just a break.

Fitting Meditation into Your Lifestyle

Woman Sitting on Brown Stone Near Green Leaf Trees at Daytime

You’ve read the articles, scoured the web, and researched the benefits of meditating – now it’s time to make this practice a part of your routine! Of course, it can seem hard to fit meditation into our already busy lives. But there are a few guiding principles to make this task a little easier.

First of all, make it practical. Start by scheduling a few 10-minute slots in your day for practice. This gives you enough time to get settled and learn some basic techniques without needing to make a huge commitment. As you become more comfortable with meditation, you can begin to expand this to longer sessions.

Secondly, be mindful of your goals. Many people confuse meditation with relaxation, but this is only one of the benefits of this practice. Remind yourself of your goals and the potential unexpected benefits – like improved focus and increased self-awareness – and use this to become motivated.

Third, make it fun. Play music, grab a cozy blanket, light a candle, or find a new spot to practice in. All of these can help to make meditation less of a chore and more of a pleasure. Additionally, consider meditating with friends or a group, or maybe even exploring different styles of meditation in order to find the one which is best suited to your goals.

Finally, don’t give up. It takes practice before progress is made, so don’t be discouraged if your thoughts stray and you forget to stop. When this happens, simply draw your attention back to your breath and make a conscious effort to refocus.

By making these principles part of your journey, fitting meditation into your lifestyle can be easier than it seems. Don’t worry if it takes a few attempts before you get the hang of it – just keep going, and you may be surprised by what you discover.

Exploring Different Types of Meditation

Vase with dried herb arranged with Buddha bust and sage smudge stick in bowl

Exploring different types of meditation can be like discovering a hidden treasure map. Who knew there were such a variety of choice out there? From Quieting the Mind to Emotional Healing to Guided Visualizations, meditation can offer a wide range of tools to use if you want to explore your inner self.

To start, there is Quieting the Mind, which is an old and simple form of meditation. This type of meditation promotes bringing your focus to a particular phrase, mantra, or object. The idea is to let go of all thoughts and move into a deep, calming state. A lot of people find solace in this form of meditation.

Then, you have Emotional Healing, which helps rid you of your emotional baggage. This type of meditation uses numerous techniques and focuses on working through those negative energies. You can combine breathwork, visualizations, and chanting to create a blissful atmosphere. This can help release suppressed emotions which had been haunting you for so long.

Next, there’s Guided Visualizations, which is a dream-like experience. This type of meditation allows you to connect with your feelings and explore yourself further. With a gentle and calming voice, the person you are in the room with will guide you through the process, where you will get to discover more about yourself.

A final type of meditation is Transcendental Meditation, which helps you reach a state of relaxation by using certain mantras or words. This type of meditation has been around for centuries and helps you understand yourself and the peace within.

All of these are wonderful types of meditation that can be used to explore your inner self. Whether you like to take time and connect with your emotions, practice quieting your mind, or visualize and reach a higher state of consciousness, meditation can be the key to unlocking your inner wisdom.

Making Time to Connect with Your Inner Self

Stacked of Stones Outdoors 1

You know the drill. You rush through your day, penciling in time to check emails, run errands, and finish tasks, only to find yourself depriving yourself of “me-time.” Making time for yourself can be hard, especially when it comes to carving out “me time” to reflect inward. We’re doing a good job of taking care of what’s on the outside, but how often do we pause, get still and reflect on our inner worlds?

The prospect of taking time out of your day to stop, breathe, and be with your inner self might seem like a far-fetched idea, but it doesn’t have to be, and it can be one of the most rewarding changes you make in your busy life. Finding a few minutes to slow down, focus, and connect with your inner self can be game-changing when it comes to decompressing, problem-solving, and introspecting.

One way to help with this is consciously choosing to schedule time for yourself. We tend to fill our schedules and put our own needs to the side, mostly because we forget that our most important relationship is with ourselves. Scheduling a few minutes of reflective time a day can be helpful in reminding you of this. Being intentional with your time and reflecting inward can help your personal and professional development immensely.

Moreover, be kind and gentle to yourself. Unplug from the busyness of life and take all the pressure off whenever you meditate. This practice will be an effective one if you are open to being vulnerable and truly digging deep to find what’s within. Don’t go in with expectations, rather go in with gentle curiosity.

Lastly, reward yourself. Find what makes you feel relaxed and fulfilled and reward yourself with it. Everything from watching your favorite show after a day of inner reflection or treating yourself to a cup of coffee or a massage. Knowing you’ll be rewarded afterwards can also be a great motivation to practice mindfulness every day.

No matter what, taking time off to reflect on your inner self is an act that requires practice and self-compassion, and above all, a willingness to find joy in the present moment. All you need to do is allow yourself to tackle the hustle and bustle of life with the peace that comes from connecting with your inner self.


To conclude, meditation is an incredible way of connecting with your inner self. Not only does it provide a gateway to unlocking and understanding your innermost feelings and thoughts, but it also helps you to become more mindful and aware of your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

When practiced regularly and consistently, you can achieve a greater level of self-awareness, personal fulfillment, and a sense of skill. With just a few minutes of meditation every day, you can reap the benefits of this method of self-connection. With a positive attitude and personal commitment, you can prepare yourself to dive deeply into connecting with your inner self through meditation.


Reed, H. (2019, May 20). Connecting With Your Inner Self Through Meditation: Tips for Finding Your Way.